Research shows that 1 in 250 men
will develop testicular cancer.
Regular self-examination increases the chances of early detection and treatment.
But, while most men’s balls go unchecked,
thousands of people check out the Wall Street Bull’s balls every day.
Using text mining and image recognition,
we tracked every post on social media featuring
the famous Wall Street Bull’s balls.
We responded in real-time
with uniquely created humorous comments,
reminding men to check their balls instead
or prompting women
to remind their male friends and family.
Role in the Project
• Art Director
• Cannes
2 Shortlists
Creative Data > Social Data & Insight
Direct > Healthcare
• Clio Awards
Bronze -Creative Use of Data (Targeting)
• Dubai Lynx
Bronze - Digital (Health)
• One Show
Merit - Social Media
• Caples
Bronze - Digital
Bronze - Not for Profit